Guidelines for Authors

Overview of Categories of Articles

The original research articles in social sciences and humanities need not have the same sections and subsections as described above. However, there should be an abstract with 5-6 keywords, introduction, conflict of interest and references.

Type of Article Number of References (Upper Limit) Abstract (Upper Limit) Keywords (Upper Limit) Section and Subsection Words (Upper Limit)
Research Articles 30 200 words Yes-5 Yes 3500-6000
Research Communication 25 200 words Yes-5 Yes 1000-1500
Review Article 100 200 words Yes-5 Yes 6500-7000
Book Reviews and Recommendations   No No No 1500
From the Readers          
Discussion/Perspectives/Analytical Articles 100 200 words Yes-5 Variable Subsections not more than 2 6500-7500

Conflict of Interest statement

Authors must declare any possible competing interests

Change in Authorship

The names of the authors and the order of the authors must be considered carefully before submitting the manuscript. No change will be done after the manuscript has been submitted to the journal.

Instructions to Authors for the preparation of manuscript (English)


Title page of the manuscript:

The first/title page should include an apt title, author name/s and their affiliation, email, phone number and complete address of the corresponding author. Authors are advised to include their ORCID details along with affiliation in submitted manuscripts The title page should be submitted as a separate file and should include acknowledgement and information on source of funding.

  1. Title of paper: font 14, bold, Capitalize each word (noun)
  2. Authors and affiliations: The affiliation should include address of the institute where the work was carried out (font 12). In case, any author has changed his/her place of work, the same may be indicated as a footnote on the title page (font 10)
  3. Address, email and phone number of corresponding author: font 10
  4. Acknowledgement: This section should include the acknowledgement to all those people who have contributed to the research work by providing infrastructure, space, suggestions etc., Font 12.
  5. Funding: Wherever applicable, the source of funding should be mentioned; Font 12.

Research Articles: Main text

The main text should start from a new page after the title page and should include title of the paper, abstract, key words, a brief introduction, material and methods, results (should include figures and tables at appropriate place), discussion, conclusion, conflict of interest and references. Tables should be in the Microsoft word format (editable), not images.

  1. Abstract followed by 5-6 keywords
  2. Introduction: It should include a brief summary of existing literature and the reasons for the current investigation
  3. Materials and Methodology: Sufficient information must be included so that the experimental work may be reproduced. For special equipments and materials, the manufacturer, and if possible their location, should be stated.
  4. Results: The results should be presented in a concise manner with tables and figures at appropriate places.
  5. Discussion: This section should discuss the outcome of the work without repeating the results as stated in the results section. The results and discussion section can also be merged to form a single section
  6. Conclusion: Authors should provide a brief conclusion of their study.
  7. Conflict of interest statement
  8. References

Note: for Social Sciences and Humanities

The research articles in social sciences and humanities should have the following:

  1. An abstract with 5-6 keywords,
  2. Introduction.
  3. Methodology/Methods.
  4. Any other suitable headings/sub-headings as per the requirements of the paper
  5. Conclusion.
  6. References.

Analytical/Review articles/Discussions / Perspectives

Title page: Same as mentioned for research articles.

Main Body of Article:

The main text of manuscript should start with the title of article, abstract, keywords, introduction/background, body of article (it can include figures, photographs, tables etc.), conclusion, declaration of conflict of interest and references.

Research Communications

Format for Research Communication would be same as Original Research Articles

References: The referencing is to be done in APA format

Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207-217.

Parenthetical citation: (Grady et al., 2019)

Narrative citation: Grady et al., (2019)

Jackson, L. M. (2019). The psychology of prejudice: From attitudes to social action (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.

Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Penguin Books .

Iyengar, S. S., & DeVoe, S. E. (2003). Rethinking the value of choice: Considering cultural mediators of intrinsic motivation. In R. Dienstbier (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation: Vol. 49. Cross-cultural differences in perspectives on the self (pp. 129-174). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Shennan, S. (2008). Canoes and cultural evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105, 3416-3420.

Uri, J. (2019). Fifty years ago: Nearly one month to boots in lunar dust. Retrieved from

The responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic references rests entirely with the author.

General Instructions for the manuscript:

The main text should be typed in A4 size paper, Times New Roman, font 12 and line spacing 1.5 with normal margins. Headings should be bold and in capital letters and should be numbered in Arabic numerals. The subheadings should be bold, italics and sub numbered (For example, if heading is 1, the first subheading will be 1.1, second subheading will be 1.2 and so on). If there are sub-subheadings, they can be sub numbered further (for example, for first subheading 1.1., the first sub-subheadings will be 1.1.1 and second sub- subheading will be 1.1.2 and so on).

The articles /research papers written in Hindi, Sanskrit and Modern Indian Languages would follow the same general guidelines. However, articles in Sanskrit and Hindi should be typed in Unicode Sanskrit-2003 with font size 14 for main text and font size 16 for the title of article. For other Indian languages, Unicode Nirmala-UI font and font size 14 should be used. The articles in languages other than English should be accompanied by an abstract and 5-6 keywords written in English.

Kindly ensure that your manuscripts are submitted in grammatically correct language for them to be peer reviewed. It is suggested that manuscripts are language edited by professionals before submission. The manuscripts can be rejected on the basis of extensive use of grammatically incorrect language.

Units and Abbreviations

Only SI units proposed in Units, Symbols and Abbreviations (1972) is acceptable for publication. The full forms of all other abbreviations when used for the first time in the manuscript must be included.

Figures and Illustrations

Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals in order of their appearance in the text. The figures should be either pdf, jpg or tiff format. Each figure should be followed by a figure legend. The figure specifications are as mentioned below: Line art - Minimum 600 dpi
Figures containing colour artwork will be published in colour.


Tables should have suitable captions and should be numbered with Arabic numerals and should be placed in the results section. Tables should be provided in an editable format i.e. in Word and not as graphic files pasted into Word. Each table should have a suitable legend.

Front cover image

The cover image of the journal will change every month and will be generally taken from articles published in the journal. The journal also encourages cover page submissions on the relevant theme of each upcoming issue, for which credits would be given.

Revised Manuscripts

On receipt of manuscript for revision, authors are requested to provide a point-by-point response to the reviewers comments. The revised manuscript should be returned in the form of a text file with alterations made clearly visible for the reviewer. In addition, a clean revised version should also be provided.


Proofs will be sent via e-mail. Further instructions will be sent with the proof. At this stage, only minor changes are permissible with prior approval of the editorial board. These may be returned through mail only.

Ethical guidelines

Manuscripts that deal with the studies involving human subjects must be accompanied by an informed consent of the subjects under study. In the absence of this undertaking by authors, the article will not be considered for publication.

All studies on animals/humans should be conducted according to the ethical guidelines of the country in which research has been carried out and a declaration to this effect should be included in the manuscript.

Use of Generative AI and AI-assisted Technologies

Authors can use generative AI and AI-assisted Technologies only to improve language and readability of the work. The authors are fully responsible for their work, hence, all AI-generated content should be reviewed and edited carefully.

The use of AI in creating or altering figures, graphics and other forms of art work in submitted manuscripts is not permitted. However, AI or AI-assisted tools may be used if the work is a part of the research design or methods (for example, in the field of biomedical imaging). If this is the case, authors must describe it in a reproducible manner in the methodology section, and should include details like the name of the model or tool, version and extension numbers, and manufacturer.

Authors may use generative AI or AI-assisted tools for creating cover art in some cases. However, for this, authors must obtain prior permission from the journal Editor-in-chief and publisher after obtaining all necessary rights for the use of relevant material and ensuring correct content acknowledgement.

Authors are advised to add a section in their manuscript titled: “Declaration of use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the article”.

If authors have used AI in the writing process, they are advised to add following under this section: “During the writing process of this article, the author(s) used [TOOL NAME/SERVICE with URL] for [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content on their own and take(s) full responsibility of the published article”.

If authors have not used AI, they can write: “Author(s) did not use AI and AI-assisted technologies in writing this article”.

This declaration does not apply to the use of basic tools to check spelling, grammar, and references.

Submitting your manuscripts

Authors should submit three files viz. Cover letter, Title page and Manuscript for each article separately. The cover letter should specify the subject area to which the paper belongs, and the type of article (original research article, review article, research communication etc.). It must include the names, affiliation and email address of three reviewers with expertise on the topic covered in the manuscript. However, the Editorial Board may or may not use the suggestion provided by the authors.
All manuscripts must be submitted online through SUBMISSION button in the right sidebar. For any technical issue please check contact page.