About the Journal

Information about the journal

Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis (ISSN: 2582-7391) is a biannual peer- reviewed multidisciplinary journal, published by the Centre for Research, Maitreyi College, University of Delhi. The journal publishes original research papers as well as review papers, book reviews, perspectives, research communications and invited articles.

Each issue of the journal curates multiple perspectives on a particular theme cutting across disciplines and languages, thus contributing significantly to the body of knowledge. The theme for each issue is based on a pertinent social issue and decided after intense deliberation by the members of the editorial board and advisory editorial board of the Journal. Further, to promote the theme, an International Conference is held each year under the aegis of the Journal which provides scope for debate and discussion around the theme. Multidisciplinary and multilingual in nature, Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis aims to publish theoretical and empirical articles using research methods such as statistical analysis, case studies, field research, historical analysis among others, from across disciplines of Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities and Languages such as Hindi, Sanskrit, Bengali and Punjabi. It welcomes contributions from scholars, scientists, researchers, professionals and policy makers from across disciplines.

Vantage also aims to engage our young readers in critical thinking and creativity. For this, the journal invites students to contribute the cover page designs for each issue based on different themes, as well as book reviews. This initiative aims to engage young students in debates and dialogues on contemporary issues, enhancing their interest in research and scholarly pursuits. The articles published in Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis reflect the view point or idea of the author/s and is not the official view point of the Journal or the Centre for Research, Maitreyi College, University of Delhi.

Journal Particulars



Title : Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis 
Frequency : 2 issues in a year
ISSN (E) : 2582-7391 (Online)
Type : Online, Diamond Open Access
Article Processing Charges : No
License : CC-BY
Publisher : Centre for Research, Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
Editor(s) : Visit the Editorial Board.
Copyright Owner : Author(s) (See Copyright Policy)
Starting Year : 2020 (April)
Subject : Multi-Disciplinary
Language : Multi-Lingual
Publication Format : Online, PDF 
Mobile No. : +91-9311331434
Email ID : vantage@maitreyi.du.ac.in
Website : https://vantagejournal.com/
Official Address : Centre for Research, Maitreyi College, University of Delhi

Research Data Sharing

To promote transparency, reproducibility and enable researchers to access data for further experimental or review work Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis encourages authors to share research data that support the findings but do not necessarily find a place in the manuscript. The additional data can be submitted in the form of Appendix with the manuscript. The research data can include raw data, software, protocols, images, videos etc.

Digital Preservation

The articles published in Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis are archived in Internet Archive to ensure their preservation in the long term. Authors are also encouraged to post their articles online in institutional/disciplinary repositories or on their personal websites. The articles posted should include the citation (including DOI) and link to journals homepage.

Peer Review

The journal adopts a rigorous and double-blind peer-review process, involving independent experts, where the identity of the authors and reviewers is not disclosed. The review process takes a period of approximately 1-2 months and hence manuscripts need to be submitted within the announced deadline. The manuscript that do not adhere to the guidelines and pattern of the journal and do not harmonize with the theme of the particular issue would not be considered for publication. The decision of the Editorial Board in this regard would be final and would be conveyed to the corresponding author.


Vantage is very serious about the issues of plagiarism including self-plagiarism and/or copyright infringement. The manuscripts are checked with suitable plagiarism checking software and are rejected in case unacceptable plagiarism is found. Plagiarism is applicable to any part of the manuscript, including figures and tables in which material is being reproduced without reference and permission.


Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis is an open access journal. All accepted manuscripts would be freely available immediately under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY-SA 4.0). This ensures increased visibility of the articles, thus increasing citations. Under this license the authors can copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and can also alter, transform, or build upon the material, including for commercial use, provided the original article is credited.

The content must be distributed under the same license as the original.


The authors retain copyright of all contents published by Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis and grants publishers the right of first publication and other non-exclusive publishing rights.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis is committed to ensure representation of diverse communities of authors , reviewers , editors and readers, and to prevent biases and reduce inequality. The journal also promotes inclusive language that conveys respect to all people, acknowledges the differences, and promotes equal prospects.

Publication Charges

The journal does not charge for submission, reviewing or publishing the articles.

Open Access

Vantage is an open access multidisciplinary journal. This ensures more visibility and increases the possibilities of citations.

Policy for Article Correction, Removal and Retractions

On discovery of some errors in the published paper by authors, the corresponding author should contact the journal immediately at the contact email mentioned on the website and share the details of the error. In case there are substantial changes, the manuscript may be sent for peer review again. A Corrigendum drafted by the authors would be linked to the original article. In case the error has been made by the publisher during the process of publication, an Erratum issued by the Journal would be linked to the original article. In case the errors are too extensive for corrigendum, the articles can be retracted by the author as well as the journal.

Articles that breach the policies of the journal such as duplication of publication, falsification or fabrication of data, authorship disputes, plagiarism issues etc., would be withdrawn.

Occasionally, due to the advice of the scholarly community an article might be retracted by the author or the journal. The causes of retraction might be any of the following but not limited to these:

  1. The manuscript contains findings that are a result of erroneous experiments or data that is manipulated or fabricated
  2. The manuscript contains plagiarised contents
  3. The manuscript contains plagiarised contents
  4. The findings in the manuscript has been published elsewhere
  5. Conflict of interest has not been disclosed by the authors

For retraction of article, the following procedure is followed by Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis:

  1. A retraction notice would be published in table of content of the next issue of the journal. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article.
  2. Watermark “retracted” will be added to each page of the pdf of the online original article.


The corresponding author should provide the contributions of the co-authors using CRediT roles, which includes their contribution in conceptualization, investigation, methodology, data analysis, data interpretation, resources, drafting of original manuscript, manuscript revision and editing, reviewing, acquisition of funding, project administration, supervision, data curation, and final manuscript approval. All the roles may not be applicable to all manuscripts, and authors may have multiple roles in the manuscript.

The following are the journal’s criteria for authorship and for an individual to be granted authorship, he/she must fulfil all of the below stated criteria:

  1. The individual must have been involved in the conceptualization of the study, or execution of experiments, or data analysis and interpretation of the data.
  2. Manuscript drafting and revision
  3. Final approval of manuscript for submission

Changes to the authorship

Authors are advised to carefully consider the list and the order of the authors before submitting the manuscript to the journal. If authors feel that they need to make any addition, deletion or changes in the order of authors, they must do it before the manuscript is accepted by the journal and only if approved by the editors. For any change in the authorship, the corresponding author must communicate the following to the journal:

  1. Reason for the change in authorship
  2. Written confirmation (via email or letter) from all authors that they all agree to the change/s
  3. Written approval from the author (via email or letter) whose name is to be added, deleted or rearranged in the author order.

In case of any authorship disputes the matter will be resolved by the Editors of the journal in consultation with the Institution of the corresponding author.

Dealing with Misconduct

The journal follows the COPE guidelines for dealing with misconduct. Briefly, investigation would be conducted by the editors before taking any actions. In cases of misconduct arising from less serious matters such as conflict of interest, plagiarism, redundant findings etc., the authors would be given scope to respond to the charges. It would be the editors’ discretion to inform the employers of author/s and funding agency in case of serious misconduct. The article might be retracted in case of serious misconduct.

Complaints and Appeals

Complaints against the journal, editorial board, website or the publishers can be mailed at vantage@maitreyi.du.ac.in. The complaint would be investigated and resolved by an independent constituted body within 120 days or earlier.

Article Preservation

As part of our commitment to both open access and the long-term preservation of academic content, we have enabled the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) on our OJS-PKP. This initiative ensures that our journal content is stored and distributed securely at participating libraries worldwide. By utilizing CLOCKSS, we assure you that your research will be preserved and remain accessible to future generations, even in the event of service disruptions.

For more information on how we distribute our journal content, please visit our CLOCKSS Publisher Manifest page.

  1. CLOCKSS: CLOCKSS - Publisher Manifest page
  2. LOCKSS: LOCKSS - Publisher Manifest page
  3. PKP Preservation Network (PKP-PN).