Describing a New Freshwater Ciliate, Aponotohymena Botrinucleata from Delhi, India
Aponotohymena, Oxytrichidae, protargol, morphology & morphogenesisAbstract
Ciliates (Phylum Ciliophora) are one of the most diverse groups of protozoa which are present in a variety of habitats. Their taxonomic diversity is immense, encompassing thousands of species. Understanding the biodiversity of ciliates is essential for unraveling the intricate web of interactions that shape ecosystems. Consequently, the number of studies on the diversity and distribution of ciliates have increased globally. Ciliates are very important as they play roles in nutrient cycling, microbial food webs, and symbiotic associations, etc. to maintain the balance of ecosystem. In the present study, a new species of genus Aponotohymena (Aponotohymena botrinucleata) is being reported, from a pond located near ‘Garden of Five Senses,’ Saket, Delhi, India. This genus was created by Foissner in 2016. The type species of this genus, A. australis was first named as Oxytricha austalis and later redesignated as Notohymena australis. However, recently it is further redesignated as Aponotohymena australis. The identifying feature of this genus include: flexible body; 18 Frontal-ventral-transverse (FVT) cirri; more than 3 caudal cirri associated with dorsal kineties 1, 2 and 4 and splitting of DP3 (third dorsal primordium). According to Foissner (2016), the genus Aponotohymena differs from the genus Notohymena only in the number of caudal cirri. Only three species of this genus are reported till date namely A. australis, N. apoaustralis and A. isoaustralis. In the present study, a new species of this genus, Aponotohymena botrinucleata, is being reported from a freshwater pond.
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